"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Mission Statement

Pink Ribbons of Endurance is a non-profit dedicated to offering personalized wigs, hair extensions, and eyelashes by skilled stylists, providing a comforting touch to individuals navigating the challenges of cancer. Additionally, we extend our support by offering wholesome meals and nourishment for the mind, body, and soul of cancer survivors and the homeless community. Through these initiatives, including workforce development, we aim to foster confidence, strength, and resilience, ensuring individuals thrive beyond their journey with dignity.

Why Pink Ribbons of Endurance?

 Our discerning loved ones, fighting for their lives, they want and deserve excellence when it comes to hair care and beauty enhancements. We are on your side. When it comes to beauty, hair, and makeup often take center stage. As the body goes through physical changes during oncology treatments, the experience can impact one emotionally. We exist as a partner in the journey to boost our loved ones' emotional state by enhancing their beauty during treatment and post-treatment. Additionally, we recognize the broader societal challenges and the importance of our support to the homeless community by providing wholesome meals and nourishment. We aim to address immediate needs and contribute to the well-being of those facing homelessness.